Do not let the people of virtue and affluence among you swear to suspend donations to their relatives, the needy and the emigrants in the cause of Allah (24:22)


People seeking refuge from war or persecution can find themselves in desperate need of help. For those who arrive in this part of the North West, we aim to provide that support wherever we can.

Our staff and volunteers will start by understanding each individual’s needs, which will very often be practical considerations relating to things like accommodation, paperwork, translation services, children’s education or getting back in contact with family members.

We offer a secure, non-judgemental environment where displaced people can feel safe and supported. Once we know their needs, then our highly trained teams can begin to help organise whatever is needed. Examples might include:

  • Food parcels
  • Donated clothing
  • Hygiene products
  • Accommodation advice
  • Help with translation / interpretation
  • Support with official paperwork and applications
  • Introductions to the local area and local facilities
  • Religious support and advice
  • Free children’s education
  • Access to phones and computers
  • Wednesday drop-in meetings

No one ever wants to lose their home or to be driven out of their own country but the sad fact is that it happens. There are many asylum seekers in the Blackburn area and, historically, they have received very little support. However, we are here to step in and to assist however we can, and we’ve found that a little kindness goes a long way.


We believe we can do more – but to do it, we need more volunteers. If you think you could help, even if it’s just for one afternoon a week, we’d be very happy to hear from you.


Family Counselling


Sisters Sunday Shababah